Dennis has Fallen
Well Dennis has returned, and I am going to ensure he is broken this time!!
Finally Dennis the Menace has toppled!! And the reason for this is, I think, a red leather glove. Last time my hand became bruised, and I felt that I could not give it my best, so this time I was prepared. With Singapore cane and red glove, I was ready to break him.
And I did! He finally gave in after 700 strokes! Yes, he really did take that many! Because of the firm grip that the glove gave me, I was able to go on and on till I broke him. Success was sweet!!
Well if you want to visit for an opportunity to please me, by submitting for the punishment you deserve, of course it does not need to be at this level, I do cater for all levels, do go to my website for further details on how to contact me.
Mistress Linda
A new pupil comes to school and as usual he has to have an interview with the Headmistress. She finds that he has a good report but no record of discipline. This is mandatory and must be produced. He says that he has forgotten it but never got discipline because he is a good well-behaved pupil.
The Headmistress does not accept this and says that he will be punished and that she will give him a range of punishments from mild to severe to make sure he will never forget his punishment record again! The pupil realises that Headmistress is serious and asks to go home to get it saying that his punishment report shows that he is telling the truth. She refuses and says it’s time he learned about punishment!
Today will be the start of a new discipline record and photos will be taken to show the effects on his bottom. These will be kept with his new discipline record. However, Headmistress says she is a reasonable person and she will begin with OTK hand-spanking to prepare his bottom for the more serious punishments that will follow.. He is then told to take down his trousers and underpants so that he can be spanked.
After his warm-up, he is ordered to strip naked and get on the spanking bench.To endure all the punishments, he will have to be restrained on the bench. This because he says that he has not experienced this before. This may progress to hard caning to conclude the punishment if Headmistress deems it necessary.
He will not be released until all punishments have been completed. She tells him that this will be carried out straight away.
After his punishment he is told to put on his shirt but not his pants. He is then taken to meet the other pupils in class and told to stand at the front with his punished bottom visible for all to see!
I’ve just had a fun session with a slave who I have named ‘Daft Phil’. Read on to find out why!
I’ve been sorting him out for a number of years now, and some of the things that we get up to really make me laugh, but there are times when he certainly isn’t laughing! We started with a dice game that he had devised, using 3 dice to decide his punishment, so I was pleased when he rolled 10 which meant that I could fasten him to my new spanking chair and give his nipples a good long tweaking, whilst he was helpless with his hands fastened behind his back. Next it was 11 blows with my penis whip, followed by 15 cracks on his back whilst he was hung against the wall. He had to count each blow and thank me properly to avoid any repetition.
We moved on then to my prickly gloves which really made him struggle and writhe.
After that, it was time for some bastinado, which I really enjoy, and then 6 strokes of the cane on his bare backside.
Our session came to an end all too soon. I might try my tens machine on him next time, or do something to really make him squirm. I’m looking forward to it already!
My nephew has been staying with me and has, so far, behaved himself. That is, until I heard reports of his behavior when I had female friends and my sister over for the odd weekend.
It had come to my notice that, when each one of them had been alone in his company, he had been rubbing his crotch against their stockinged legs! Very vigorously, in fact!! Just like a dog on heat!! How disgusting and embarrassing for me!
I was so angry that I made sure that I was wearing my highest heels and best stockings. I sat on my chair, crossing my legs and showing my stocking-tops! When I confronted him, he finally admitted the truth, and I made him strip to just his underpants, kneel in front of me and show me just what he had been doing! He was so vigorous that my legs ached, but I carried on making him do it so hard that his face turned red and he sweated with the exertion.
He was so completely exhausted that I was sure he would not be doing it again!!
Dennis had been summoned to the Headmistress, Miss Adams.
His form teacher, Miss Caneworthy, brought him to the special school room of corrective “punishment.”
This room is used for special boys whose intention is to cause havoc in the school.
This has to be addressed in a special way.
Miss Caneworthy brought him in. Waiting for him was Miss Adams, who was appalled to hear of his misdemeanour’s’.
It was time to take him to task!

And so they began his punishment, all with the Singapore cane. He was made to bend over the school desk, each misdemeanour was read out clearly so that he was aware of his situation.
They took it in turns to punish him and he received 75 strokes from each. 150 of the hardest strokes!
After this his bottom was attended to with dressings, and he was sent home in disgrace!
(Photos of his bottom can be seen on Fetlife)
Well the saga continues, with Dennis the Menaces.
Yesterday we were both determined to do the 250 Stokes.
I used 10 different canes, one of them being the Singapore Cane
As you all know the Singapore is a fearsome implement, but the canes I used were from the many that have, all chosen for their ability to cause severe pain and marks to a cold bottom
You all know how hard I like to cane, many say I deliver the hardest caning they have endured, and Dennis knows full well, that all strokes will be delivered with full force from the start to the very end, no mercy will be shown.
So the scene is set, the bottom is ready, so I start to deliver my hardest, strokes slowly and deliberately placed on and on in sets of six.
As time went on plasters had to be applied to the bottom, but this would not stop the delivery, he had demanded that I was not to stop, and I like to please, and I was enjoying myself, so it would continue to the very end.
Many plasters were applied but the caning continues, until the 250 was reached, because of the state of Dennis’s bottom, I called a halt to the proceedings, and he left with many dressings covering his very sore bottom, he did not have a tear in his eye.
I was a very satisfied Mistress, and I know Dennis the Menaces will return for more .
Now you may feel this type of severe punishment is not for you, and I would not consider doing it with an in-experienced bottom, I do cater for all levels, from a basic over the knee hand spanking, a slippering, a strapping, a tawsing, moving onto to caning at junior level all the way to the most severe.
I do provide aftercare to ensure that you will be happy to return, to extend your limits.
Some of the photos of this session will be added to this website, but the more severe ones will be uploaded to my Spanking Tube pages.
I do hope you enjoy.
I had a fun time with Nettles, Wooden Spoon and many, many more of my implements.
I had a plan to begin with, but once I became immersed in the session I strayed onto other things, including sounds !!
Firstly I put him over my knee for a spanking, including a slippering, and a wooden spooning
Near the end it was time for the Bouquet of Nettles, the slave always brings fresh ones that he picked on his way this morning.
I take great delight placing them strategically, any that fell off were pegged on firmly
All the things in the middle where very painful and a lot of fun to do.
This was a great varied session, and once again I am able share some photos from the session, others will go on my Spanking Tube pages, for you to enjoy.
200 Hardest Strokes from Cold
It was Wednesday the 7th a date that Dennis the Menace will not forget; he came to my Chambers ready to take 200 of my very best strokes of the cane on his bare bottom.
We have been preparing for this day for a very long time, and when he finally came, I was at the ready to deliver, but was he ready for this, well he had asked for it.
But as always I did have a discussion with him before I started, and he wanted it to happen, so I selected 5 of my best and most severe canes.
He kneeled over the bench, no need for tying down, he was going nowhere until I had finished, he has been trained not to move.
In 0ne & Half hours I gave “from cold” the hardest caning I have ever delivered, he was receiving them in sets of six, slowly but deliberately.
This was a time consuming challenge, and we ran out of time, the session had to finish when he had received 180 very severe strokes.
Sadly I I had to stop there, but we know that he will be able to take 200 strokes next time.
Next time there would be no time limit, and he will take the full 200.
Photos of this session will be uploaded to my Spanking Tube pages, for you to see what happens when you ask for a no limit caning.
The photos were taken once I had cleaned up his bottom, but you can certainly see how severe the caning was.
Slave PI had been visiting the Chapel for many years but had never had the ultimate session, a mother and daughter Double Domme session. He summoned up the courage to visit us both and reports as follows.
It was a long hot day and anticipation makes the sweat glands work overtime, so I hoped my deodorant worked as well as the TV advert said it should. It’s not a good start if one takes one’s kit off and the dungeon is suddenly full of something malodorous. Perhaps, this situation would make a good TV advert – after the watershed of course. – use our deodorant and don’t be embarrassed in front of your mistress. Perhaps not a good marketing tool after all. The minutes ticked away very slowly until I finally opened the door to meet the ladies. The mixture of apprehension and excitement mounts as one heads towards the dungeon, and this increases as one crosses the road. Today, all the emotions were doubled as I was due to meet both Linda and Vanessa, together, for the first time. The welcome was charming, once I had been chastised for failing to call Mistress Linda, mistress. It was as though I had arrived for a tea party, other than the ladies were not exactly dressed for a tea party, fortunately. As you can imagine, my first sight of them added more to my excitement. As it happens, I was not dressed for a party, in fact in no time I was not dressed at all, and I am pleased to say the deodorant had seemed to work.
So before long, it ceased to be a tea party and most would say things then got worse as I was strapped to the cross at hands and ankles, naked of course. However, devotees of the ladies’ dungeon would say that this turn of event was when things got better. The ladies like to let you know who’s boss, not a difficult thing to grasp (rather like my tackle by this time) when you are naked and can hardly move. As soon as one finds oneself in this position, something starts to itch – today it was my nose. Wriggle as I might, there was no way I could find a way to stop the itching. However, the ladies could divert my attention and quickly did so.
First, they decided to check me out to see what made me go “ouch”. I tried like mad to avoid flinching when my nipples were checked out but failed. I really hate that but try not to show it. Dr Johnson is quoted as saying that when a man knows he is to be hanged, it concentrates the mind wonderfully. True, but when a lady has a firm grip on one’s dangly bits, this also concentrates the mind wonderfully. So next was a squeeze on this most sensitive spot with that little twist at the end which doubles the pain. It was quite unnecessary to check this out, because they both knew that every man they had come across (no pun intended) hurt when they squeezed. However, most ladies like to have their man by the balls, and I guess if you make a career out of it, this is doubly so. I did allow myself to let it be known that it really hurt, but then I had no option as it did and failure to do so would, no doubt, have encouraged even more pressure. A check on where I was ticklish followed and, again, I tried not very successfully to pretend that those spots were not ticklish. Facing two lovely ladies and being played with did of course start a bit of motion down there. Linda complained that I was losing control down there. This seemed a bit unfair as the ladies had already told me that everything down there was now theirs to control and do what they like with.
I was then told we were going to play a game. I was to be subjected to some forms of torture, whilst blindfolded, and had to guess who the perpetrator was. If I guessed right, I would receive a gentle back and bottom rub, which I love. But if I got it wrong, I would be subjected to the electric zapper. I was asked if that was OK, but strapped to a cross, it is difficult to disagree.
I began to realise that this was different from a one-on-one session. I was now just a piece of meat that the ladies were discussing how best to enjoy themselves with. I thought I might hear occasional giggles which would heighten the tension, instead I got bursts of laughter (in fact through the whole session) whenever I reacted to various ways of pain being given. They really seemed to be enjoying sharing the pleasure of dominating a man. Once blind folded, the discussions began of what to do to me next which does have an effect on one’s head. It was a shame to be blind folded as I could no longer feast my eyes on the lovely ladies.
At this time, I suddenly realised that someone was tying up my balls, actually not an easy job in my case. Then, inevitably, came the weights and that uncomfortable ache. All done, I was asked who I thought had done the tying and weighting. I guessed and asked whether I had guessed correctly. This was greeted with, if not laughter, sniggers. Suddenly I jumped, well I nearly jumped as it is difficult when strapped, as a big shock from the zapper hit one of my balls. I relaxed just in time for another zap from the zapper, if not in the same place, perhaps in the other one.
It seemed as though I was good at guessing who was doing what so the ladies decided they would just enjoy themselves at my expense. Vanessa said she had sharpened her nails especially so she could dig into various sensitive parts and though it was probably not accurate, it certainly felt as though she had done so. Oh, and she seemed to have a fixation with torturing my very sensitive nipples.
Next a very tight something was attached to me. Being blindfolded, I had no idea what, but it was tight and had sharp things inside. Not very pleasant, but more so, when gentle playing with certain bits and pieces increased the size down there. I tried to remember the name of that MP who one has to think of when trying to control oneself, but this did not work.
So enough of that, they thought, they wanted by backside to be as red as the bits that already become red. It was nice to be unstrapped and be able to move around and for a short time to lay across Linda’s thighs as ordered, until she put a lot of effort into reddening my backside by hand. No such luck with Vanessa’s thighs as when it came to her turn, I had to lie on the whipping bench whilst a lot of thought and discussion between the ladies as to which whip, I should suffer under. Further discussions followed whilst I was subject to the whip, in fact so much discussion that Vanessa lost count of the strokes and the ladies decided the only fairest thing was to start all over again, despite my vote to the contrary.
It was then decided, not by me, don’t be silly, but by the ladies that any signs of me misbehaving down there, would be cured by pouring hot wax on the offending member and all points around. It took a while to sort this out so in the meantime something metallic disappeared up me and slowly at first, I felt the surge of electricity up my backside Pleasant when lightly applied, but as the current turns up it does become very unpleasant. But my attention was diverted very quickly when wax was applied liberally. The ladies seemed to have enjoyed this as every time I twitched, they laughed once more. Of course, once waxed, it had to be removed, not a pleasant prospect, again those sharp nails attacking me. Though a clever idea occurred to the ladies. What if they used their vibrator on me ? Well of course, it had the desired effect – surprising after all the punishment it had received – and swelled sufficiently for the wax to crack which helped the painful removal, though I was again distracted by the electricity being turned up which must have made it difficult removing the wax as every five seconds I was jumping about.
Having exhausted most of the implements of torture upstairs, it was time to go to the medical room – a new attraction – downstairs. Oh nice, I thought, a few seconds of rest. Not so, now freed of the electric butt plug, it was replaced by a butt hook. Not too unpleasant until a collar was attached to my neck and then the collar was also attached to the butt hook. My posture improved immeasurably as it was impossible to do anything but stand up straight or I would throttle myself. I then had to manoeuvre the stairs considering the prospect of falling down the stairs and the dire consequences. I made it unscathed.
I was then told that my courting tackle had to recover and fast because Linda’s rule on erections no longer applied, which was as well because her expertise made sure that one followed with some gentle persuasion. Poor thing, it didn’t know if it was coming or going, no it was quite sure it was not coming, perhaps later if I was lucky and the ladies hadn’t put it completely out of action. But this did reassure me that in fact the ball zapping had not, in fact, put me out of action at this time. What’s more, as one might suppose, for once pleasant feelings were being sent to me by my battered bits. Again, I was taken by surprise, as I then discovered my most intimate place invaded by something cold and very hard. Not an unpleasant feeling, as gravity pulled it down. Pleased with the speed that the invading object disappeared, a larger one followed it.
Now Linda was worried that she might get an electric shock as she was still holding the sound as Vanessa advanced with something attached to a nuclear power station somewhere in the UK (or even France as we buy their power). Vanessa promised not to touch the sound with her implement which had one of those bitey things on the end. No electric shocks for Linda but what about me ? No promises, in fact just the opposite. There I was helpless both hands and feet bound together under the couch, which I have to say was not the most comfortable position, and I looked with horror as said electric thing approached the bell end of me. I was right to be mindful as when attached the result was my only expletive of the day as I was shocked. I got no telling off because the ladies were too busy laughing.
After a bit more fun (for them) I was then told that I would get a blow job. Now I was not so naïve as to think that this was to be a blow job as usually defined, though the mere thought of it added a touch more swelling. Vanessa produced an implement that slipped easily down me since I was well lubed up from the action with the sounds. Once inside the device could be made larger and had a nice funnel. The ladies took it in turns to blow down the funnel, which was an interesting sensation, and indeed a pleasant one, though not of course as pleasing as the other way of receiving a blow job.
The ladies then checked that I was exhausted, and I was, but they couldn’t resist a bit more squeezing where I did not want to be squeezed and then out came the vibrator and in no time my battered bits erupted in the usual way.
What a session.