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Category : Uncategorized

Are you still there?

Are you still on your knees, if not I will take you to my study for a caning, this is what happens if you don’t behave, you have been warned, or is it what you want?

Go to my website for full details and details on how you can visit and see so much more


Wooden Spooning

I had an interesting experience a few days ago!!.

I was given a wooden spoon to use on a bare bottom!

I have used one quite a while ago and forgot how much I enjoyed it.

The after effects are amazing, as I can’t show beaten bottoms on my website, I have put a few of them on my spanking tube.

Look them up and appreciate the effect it produces!!!

If you want to experience the wooden spoon, I would be more than happy to discuss when you book a visit.

Or if you have any other ideas for implements that I may enjoy using to give you a warm or even a sore bottom, do get in touch.


Lady Linda

Some photos for you to enjoy and think about

Well you have been waiting for these photos, and I do like to share the best photos, so I am sure you will think the wait has been worth it.

You will see how one of my visitors is standing waiting to be dealt with by myself and Mistress Vanessa.

If you want to be standing waiting for us to deal with you, my contact details are on here.

Waiting for loyal foot and leg worship slaves

I am waiting for my Foot and Leg worship slave to visit me, if you want to experience this pleasure you need to contact me.

And you can see how this loyal slave is enjoying his work, so you all know what is in store for you if you come and visit.

Update from Mistress Linda

Just thought I would send a message to all that have past through the hands of my daughter, Mistress Vanessa and myself at the Chapel.

I will include photos when I can to keep your spirits up during this trying time, more explicit photos will be on my Fetlife.

Hope you are all keeping safe and well and after this period has finally finished we will both be ready to deal with all past, present and still to visit us.






Removal of Photos

Due to the changes in the law that have been introduced I have had to remove a lot of the photos that I have placed on my posts.

You will also notice that future posts will may have less photos, again this is due to the restrictions that have been introduced as to what can and can’t be shown.

I will of course continue to up load posts and of course you can look at my Spanking Tube, details below..

Mistress Linda


Spanking Tube Link details: –


I have been very busy both last week and this, with all the usual miscreants plus two new males in need of chastisement. So there was plenty of over-knee and over-bench punishment during the 14 days.
I played several different parts during these days – various aunties, headmistress, nurse and even school secretary, but most of all a Dominant Mistress! Some of them I had to coax into submission, some needed me to bully them, or to be a Complete Bitch, but, no matter how I treated them, they were all completely dominated and controlled by me!!
This makes a Dominatrix very proud of her craft, and always makes me feel completely satisfied.

Spanking Tube Link details: –

Standard Post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam semper leo eget sapien ultrices vitae facilisis massa dictum. Fusce eu purus a urna accumsan luctus. Nullam sit amet nisi non ante ultrices egestas. Proin erat nulla, congue adipiscing accumsan id, sollicitudin eget dolor. Vestibulum ipsum urna, consequat vel cursus ut, scelerisque vel nisl. Suspendisse molestie facilisis dui, et rutrum enim fermentum id. Curabitur tincidunt tellus sed risus vulputate fringilla. Mauris luctus posuere odio, quis viverra purus consequat ac. Aliquam luctus posuere ultricies. Morbi sagittis elementum ligula, eget luctus diam facilisis sit amet. Maecenas fringilla cursus tortor, nec dictum purus volutpat et.

Vivamus vel mi lorem. Sed vitae felis nisl, at venenatis tortor. In at velit ac turpis aliquam volutpat. Ut et nibh augue. Integer imperdiet convallis massa nec gravida. Sed eleifend porta urna. Praesent non nisi tellus, ut lobortis massa. Sed pretium pretium elit et vulputate. Quisque nec justo lacus. Phasellus tristique sapien ut dui sagittis feugiat. Pellentesque quis leo vitae magna vulputate ultrices quis vitae justo. Nulla vel imperdiet augue.

Phasellus venenatis, est non sagittis pellentesque, mauris lectus mattis nisl, non vestibulum tortor tortor eu metus. Praesent ac ligula quis justo vestibulum lobortis vitae sit amet arcu. Aenean pellentesque aliquam dolor et consectetur. Mauris congue ornare purus, nec porttitor arcu blandit et. Ut pellentesque eros ac neque laoreet mattis tristique sit amet justo. Ut molestie orci lobortis nisl convallis volutpat. Pellentesque interdum sagittis tortor vitae tempus. Mauris imperdiet sapien non elit fermentum pulvinar. Vivamus sagittis egestas semper. Ut nibh neque, pharetra id ullamcorper in, suscipit ut ligula.

Fusce ultricies dolor a eros dignissim at vulputate magna aliquet. Cras porttitor dapibus dictum. Pellentesque scelerisque euismod eleifend. Duis aliquam tincidunt mi, pellentesque convallis massa euismod ac. Pellentesque eleifend consectetur egestas. Curabitur eu eros arcu. Nulla ultricies, enim nec dictum blandit, enim magna consectetur dui, sit amet tempus massa sapien sit amet urna. Ut tellus sem, tempus ut mattis sed, placerat eget velit. Cras quam odio, feugiat quis bibendum eget, molestie vel mauris. Cras ultrices iaculis aliquet. Etiam eget tellus metus, ac pellentesque purus. In congue rhoncus laoreet. Quisque metus purus, blandit nec pellentesque ut, sagittis eu lectus.

Image Lightbox

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam semper leo eget sapien ultrices vitae facilisis massa dictum. Fusce eu purus a urna accumsan luctus. Nullam sit amet nisi non ante ultrices egestas. Proin erat nulla, congue adipiscing accumsan id, sollicitudin eget dolor. Vestibulum ipsum urna, consequat vel cursus ut, scelerisque vel nisl. Suspendisse molestie facilisis dui, et rutrum enim fermentum id. Curabitur tincidunt tellus sed risus vulputate fringilla. Mauris luctus posuere odio, quis viverra purus consequat ac. Aliquam luctus posuere ultricies. Morbi sagittis elementum ligula, eget luctus diam facilisis sit amet. Maecenas fringilla cursus tortor, nec dictum purus volutpat et.

Vivamus vel mi lorem. Sed vitae felis nisl, at venenatis tortor. In at velit ac turpis aliquam volutpat. Ut et nibh augue. Integer imperdiet convallis massa nec gravida. Sed eleifend porta urna. Praesent non nisi tellus, ut lobortis massa. Sed pretium pretium elit et vulputate. Quisque nec justo lacus. Phasellus tristique sapien ut dui sagittis feugiat. Pellentesque quis leo vitae magna vulputate ultrices quis vitae justo. Nulla vel imperdiet augue.

Phasellus venenatis, est non sagittis pellentesque, mauris lectus mattis nisl, non vestibulum tortor tortor eu metus. Praesent ac ligula quis justo vestibulum lobortis vitae sit amet arcu. Aenean pellentesque aliquam dolor et consectetur. Mauris congue ornare purus, nec porttitor arcu blandit et. Ut pellentesque eros ac neque laoreet mattis tristique sit amet justo. Ut molestie orci lobortis nisl convallis volutpat. Pellentesque interdum sagittis tortor vitae tempus. Mauris imperdiet sapien non elit fermentum pulvinar. Vivamus sagittis egestas semper. Ut nibh neque, pharetra id ullamcorper in, suscipit ut ligula.

Fusce ultricies dolor a eros dignissim at vulputate magna aliquet. Cras porttitor dapibus dictum. Pellentesque scelerisque euismod eleifend. Duis aliquam tincidunt mi, pellentesque convallis massa euismod ac. Pellentesque eleifend consectetur egestas. Curabitur eu eros arcu. Nulla ultricies, enim nec dictum blandit, enim magna consectetur dui, sit amet tempus massa sapien sit amet urna. Ut tellus sem, tempus ut mattis sed, placerat eget velit. Cras quam odio, feugiat quis bibendum eget, molestie vel mauris. Cras ultrices iaculis aliquet. Etiam eget tellus metus, ac pellentesque purus. In congue rhoncus laoreet. Quisque metus purus, blandit nec pellentesque ut, sagittis eu lectus.