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Category : Double Domme


Friday at School at the start of autumn was Detention Day!

There were six boys, five of whom were regulars and who were in need of our special way of dealing with them. There was also one new “girl” ,Davina, who always tried hard but failed miserably! And so, as usual, all had to be dealt with in our special way!

We had our head-girl, Jean, to help us, and she proved to be very useful indeed, even volunteering to help with the punishments! The Deputy Headmistress and I strove to do our job thoroughly. Boys had to be chastised – over the knee spanking, slippering, paddling etc.

After a while we stopped for lunch, and hoped that they would at last settle down and get on with their school-work, but this was not to be, so they were taken upstairs for the serious punishment. Bare bottoms were dealt with using paddles, straps and canes. It really was a long day, but in the end very satisfying. However, we knew that they would be back again in the future. A warning to all naughty pupils!!


Dennis had been summoned to the Headmistress, Miss Adams.

His form teacher, Miss Caneworthy, brought him to the special school room of corrective “punishment.”

This room is used for special boys whose intention is to cause havoc in the school.

This has to be addressed in a special way.

Miss Caneworthy brought him in. Waiting for him was Miss Adams, who was appalled to hear of his misdemeanour’s’.

It was time to take him to task!

We are waiting and ready for you to attend

And so they began his punishment, all with the Singapore cane. He was made to bend over the school desk, each misdemeanour was read out clearly so that he was aware of his situation.

They took it in turns to punish him and he received 75 strokes from each. 150 of the hardest strokes!

After this his bottom was attended to with dressings, and he was sent home in disgrace!

(Photos of his bottom can be seen on Fetlife)

A Testimonial: What a Session by Slave PI

Slave PI had been visiting the Chapel for many years but had never had the ultimate session, a mother and daughter Double Domme session. He summoned up the courage to visit us both and reports as follows.

It was a long hot day and anticipation makes the sweat glands work overtime, so I hoped my deodorant worked as well as the TV advert said it should.  It’s not a good start if one takes one’s kit off and the dungeon is suddenly full of something malodorous. Perhaps, this situation would make a good TV advert – after the watershed of course. – use our deodorant and don’t be embarrassed in front of your mistress. Perhaps not a good marketing tool after all. The minutes ticked away very slowly until I finally opened the door to meet the ladies. The mixture of apprehension and excitement mounts as one heads towards the dungeon, and this increases as one crosses the road. Today, all the emotions were doubled as I was due to meet both Linda and Vanessa, together, for the first time. The welcome was charming, once I had been chastised for failing to call Mistress Linda, mistress. It was as though I had arrived for a tea party, other than the ladies were not exactly dressed for a tea party, fortunately. As you can imagine, my first sight of them added more to my excitement. As it happens, I was not dressed for a party, in fact in no time I was not dressed at all, and I am pleased to say the deodorant had seemed to work.

So before long, it ceased to be a tea party and most would say things then got worse as I was strapped to the cross at hands and ankles, naked of course. However, devotees of the ladies’ dungeon would say that this turn of event was when things got better. The ladies like to let you know who’s boss, not a difficult thing to grasp (rather like my tackle by this time) when you are naked and can hardly move. As soon as one finds oneself in this position, something starts to itch – today it was my nose. Wriggle as I might, there was no way I could find a way to stop the itching. However, the ladies could divert my attention and quickly did so.

First, they decided to check me out to see what made me go “ouch”. I tried like mad to avoid flinching when my nipples were checked out but failed. I really hate that but try not to show it. Dr Johnson is quoted as saying that when a man knows he is to be hanged, it concentrates the mind wonderfully. True, but when a lady has a firm grip on one’s dangly bits, this also concentrates the mind wonderfully. So next was a squeeze on this most sensitive spot with that little twist at the end which doubles the pain. It was quite unnecessary to check this out, because they both knew that every man they had come across (no pun intended) hurt when they squeezed. However, most ladies like to have their man by the balls, and I guess if you make a career out of it, this is doubly so. I did allow myself to let it be known that it really hurt, but then I had no option as it did and failure to do so would, no doubt, have encouraged even more pressure. A check on where I was ticklish followed and, again, I tried not very successfully to pretend that those spots were not ticklish. Facing two lovely ladies and being played with did of course start a bit of motion down there. Linda complained that I was losing control down there. This seemed a bit unfair as the ladies had already told me that everything down there was now theirs to control and do what they like with.

I was then told we were going to play a game. I was to be subjected to some forms of torture, whilst blindfolded, and had to guess who the perpetrator was. If I guessed right, I would receive a gentle back and bottom rub, which I love. But if I got it wrong, I would be subjected to the electric zapper. I was asked if that was OK, but strapped to a cross, it is difficult to disagree.

I began to realise that this was different from a one-on-one session. I was now just a piece of meat that the ladies were discussing how best to enjoy themselves with. I thought I might hear occasional giggles which would heighten the tension, instead I got bursts of laughter (in fact through the whole session) whenever I reacted to various ways of pain being given. They really seemed to be enjoying sharing the pleasure of dominating a man. Once blind folded, the discussions began of what to do to me next which does have an effect on one’s head. It was a shame to be blind folded as I could no longer feast my eyes on the lovely ladies.

At this time, I suddenly realised that someone was tying up my balls, actually not an easy job in my case. Then, inevitably, came the weights and that uncomfortable ache. All done, I was asked who I thought had done the tying and weighting. I guessed and asked whether I had guessed correctly. This was greeted with, if not laughter, sniggers. Suddenly I jumped, well I nearly jumped as it is difficult when strapped, as a big shock from the zapper hit one of my balls. I relaxed just in time for another zap from the zapper, if not in the same place, perhaps in the other one.

It seemed as though I was good at guessing who was doing what so the ladies decided they would just enjoy themselves at my expense. Vanessa said she had sharpened her nails especially so she could dig into various sensitive parts and though it was probably not accurate, it certainly felt as though she had done so. Oh, and she seemed to have a fixation with torturing my very sensitive nipples.

Next a very tight something was attached to me. Being blindfolded, I had no idea what, but it was tight and had sharp things inside. Not very pleasant, but more so, when gentle playing with certain bits and pieces increased the size down there. I tried to remember the name of that MP who one has to think of when trying to control oneself, but this did not work.

So enough of that, they thought, they wanted by backside to be as red as the bits that already become red. It was nice to be unstrapped and be able to move around and for a short time to lay across Linda’s thighs as ordered, until she put a lot of effort into reddening my backside by hand. No such luck with Vanessa’s thighs as when it came to her turn, I had to lie on the whipping bench whilst a lot of thought and discussion between the ladies as to which whip, I should suffer under.  Further discussions followed whilst I was subject to the whip, in fact so much discussion that Vanessa lost count of the strokes and the ladies decided the only fairest thing was to start all over again, despite my vote to the contrary.

It was then decided, not by me, don’t be silly, but by the ladies that any signs of me misbehaving down there, would be cured by pouring hot wax on the offending member and all points around. It took a while to sort this out so in the meantime something metallic disappeared up me and slowly at first, I felt the surge of electricity up my backside Pleasant when lightly applied, but as the current turns up it does become very unpleasant. But my attention was diverted very quickly when wax was applied liberally. The ladies seemed to have enjoyed this as every time I twitched, they laughed once more. Of course, once waxed, it had to be removed, not a pleasant prospect, again those sharp nails attacking me. Though a clever idea occurred to the ladies. What if they used their vibrator on me ? Well of course, it had the desired effect – surprising after all the punishment it had received – and swelled sufficiently for the wax to crack which helped the painful removal, though I was again distracted by the electricity being turned up which must have made it difficult removing the wax as every five seconds I was jumping about.

Having exhausted most of the implements of torture upstairs, it was time to go to the medical room – a new attraction – downstairs. Oh nice, I thought, a few seconds of rest. Not so, now freed of the electric butt plug, it was replaced by a butt hook. Not too unpleasant until a collar was attached to my neck and then the collar was also attached to the butt hook. My posture improved immeasurably as it was impossible to do anything but stand up straight or I would throttle myself. I then had to manoeuvre the stairs considering the prospect of falling down the stairs and the dire consequences. I made it unscathed.

I was then told that my courting tackle had to recover and fast because Linda’s rule on erections no longer applied, which was as well because her expertise made sure that one followed with some gentle persuasion. Poor thing, it didn’t know if it was coming or going, no it was quite sure it was not coming, perhaps later if I was lucky and the ladies hadn’t put it completely out of action. But this did reassure me that in fact the ball zapping had not, in fact, put me out of action at this time. What’s more, as one might suppose, for once pleasant feelings were being sent to me by my battered bits. Again, I was taken by surprise, as I then discovered  my most intimate place invaded by something cold and very hard. Not an unpleasant feeling, as gravity pulled it down. Pleased with the speed that the invading object disappeared, a larger one followed it.

Now Linda was worried that she might get an electric shock as she was still holding the sound as Vanessa advanced with something attached to a nuclear power station somewhere in the UK (or even France as we buy their power). Vanessa promised not to touch the sound with her implement which had one of those bitey things on the end. No electric shocks for Linda but what about me ? No promises, in fact just the opposite. There I was helpless both hands and feet bound together under the couch, which I have to say was not the most comfortable position, and I looked with horror as said electric thing approached the bell end of me. I was right to be mindful as when attached the result was my only expletive of the day as I was shocked. I got no telling off because the ladies were too busy laughing.

After a bit more fun (for them) I was then told that I would get a blow job. Now I was not so naïve as to think that this was to be a blow job as usually defined, though the mere thought of it added a touch more swelling. Vanessa produced an implement that slipped easily down me since I was well lubed up from the action with the sounds. Once inside the device could be made larger and had a nice funnel. The ladies took it in turns to blow down the funnel, which  was an interesting sensation, and indeed a pleasant one, though not of course as pleasing as the other way of receiving a blow job.

The ladies then checked that I was exhausted, and I was, but they couldn’t resist a bit more squeezing where I did not want to be squeezed and then out came the vibrator and in no time my battered bits erupted in the usual way.

What a session.








The Demise of Dennis

It was a big day for my daughter Mistress Vanessa and myself. We had waited a month to get our hands and canes on his bare bottom again. With plasters and dressings at the ready, we were looking forward to two hours of showing our expertise with the cane on Dennis’ bottom. In the downstairs room we laid him out flat and, with one of us on each side, we proceeded to cane in turn. Slowly and hard, but not too hard, this was our way of warming him up for things to come! My, how we loved it! And he had a little smirk on his face! How dare he!!

Then it was upstairs to the other room where he was put over the whipping bench so that we could start to turn the pressure up! What joy! And it was a caning to be proud of, as we used all the canes in our cane pot and Mistress Vanessa could say at the end of the session that he had been potted!!

It was a fantastic two hours and all three of us were able to laugh as well as appreciate what we had done!! Three very happy people!!

The wait is nearly over

Hello all, its looking like your wait is nearly over, Lockdown will be ending soon, and I am looking forward to seeing all my visitors again.

I am planning to hold a School Day in May all being well so those that have attended previous ones are very welcome to contact me and confirm their attendance, including Irish James, Mark, Barry, John, Michael & Terry.

We will have a new member of staff attending so that is something for you to look forward to.

Those that have not attended previous events should contact me, to get further details.

And of course those that want to start booking for “normal visits” should start to get into touch.

Update from the Chapel Chambers

I am very pleased to say that my Chambers are open again, with extra precautions in place to ensure your and my safety.
We are only seeing a limited number of visitors, so that we have time to clean and sanitise equipment and surfaces between visits.
So please ensure you plan ahead and book your next visit.
We are waiting for all the naughty boys and girls to come along for their long awaited session.
The Chapel School is fully equipped to deal with all levels of behavioural issues from minor to the more severe, and punishments can range from over the knee spankings, to Judicial Canings with the Singapore Cane.
You should apply now for a one to one assessment with Headmistress Linda so that a full assessment of your behaviour can be undertaken, don’t worry you will only be punished at a level that suits you once Headmistress has discussed this with you, but you may elect to have your limits tested, and Headmistress Linda can be joined by Miss Vanessa who is very experienced in dealing with naughty pupils.
Experienced Pupils may be allowed to join the Senior Classes where the lessons and punishments reflect this.
You may once you have attended several classes require a School Medical, and this can be arranged in the fully equipped School Clinic.
For further details you may telephone: 07977 843212 (ask for Lady Linda) between 09:00 till 19:00
You may visit my New Website where you can view the gallery’s, along with a news page, and full details.
My web site details are below.

Testimonial by Slave 00011

Below is a testimonial from one the “Slaves” that attended for a day of confinement in the “Belfry” , I know that I and the other Wardresses enjoyed the day, and I am planning for this to be repeated on a regular basis, so if you are interested you should get in touch.

Testimonial by Slave 00011

My Visit to the Belfry
I would like to thank the “Head Wardress” (Mistress Linda) for the great day I had at the Belfry.
To explain Mistress Linda has created a place where you can spend long periods of time in detention alongside other “detainees” without actually seeing them.
I arrived and was told to strip and given a “strip search”, I was then hooded, cuffed and lead upstairs to the Belfry, where I was placed and locked into a cage, I was told to remain quiet at all times and await to see what happens next.
After about 10 minutes I became aware of movement, another detainee being brought in I suspect, as again the only words said were “to remain quiet at all times”, this happened another 4 or was it 5 times over a period of time, I lost track of the time quite quickly.
What happened next I was pulled from the cage and bent over a “whipping bench”, this was by a different “Wardress” and caned, I should say that I had agreed that I would be punished along with being used and abused, of course the Head Wardress knows my “likes & dislikes” along with my limits, so I knew I would be in safe but “cruel hands” throughout my time in detention.
After a good sound caning I was taken into a different form of confinement, and left secured, as others were dealt with in a similar manner, it was quite erotic hearing others being dealt with.
Next I was taken out and strung up by both arms and then tortured (CBT/ Nipples/Electrics) during which the hood was removed I could see others in different forms of bondage and confinement but they could not see me because they were all blindfolded and it was not possible for me identify them, this was one of the things that was explained to me when I discussed the event with Mistress Linda, and she said that discretion would be maintained at all times, no one would be able to identify anyone else throughout the day.
Various other things happened to me during the time I was there, but I won’t detail them all here, I will leave that for you to find out for yourselves when you attend.
I should say that the Head Wardress was assisted during the day by other Wardress’s which again all added to the excellent experience I and I am sure the others had, I will be returning quite soon for the next “event”.

Detention Slave 00011

Who’s been a busy Mistress then!

Two hectic weeks and what have I had to show for it?
A broken crop and my Space Invader demolished!!!!
All that pounding and it finally collapsed at my feet!
Now I am looking for replacements to buy, but in the meantime I have plenty left to carry on my good work.
The long awaited BELFRY is finally coming to completion and there will be photo’s soon to wet your appetites, both myself and Mistress Vanessa are eager to try it out !!!, be patient boys & girls it will be worth the wait.

Caught On the Fiddle

I do hope you all enjoy the following which was written by one of our loyal slaves following a very enjoyable “Double Dom Session”, I have included some of the photos taken during the session which he was very happy for us to use.

Caught On the Fiddle
It may well have been bitterly cold outside but luckily for me, things in the Chapel Dungeon were about to get much warmer, for once again I found myself naked, exposed and awaiting the undivided attention of not one but two very imaginative Mistresses.
Yet another Mother and Daughter session had been a wish of mine, ever since I found out that Mistress Vanessa had relocated to the Chapel Dungeon, as it occurred to me that if the Mistress had relocated, she would certainly have brought all her clever little pain inflicting devices with her.
I wasn’t wrong Mistress Vanessa had brought all her devices with her and was very much in the mood to share, it really was spikes, studs and hint of electrics with everything.
I was by now getting excited at what may be in store and was rather obviously standing to attention, a somewhat irresistible target for Mistress Vanessa and her spiked cock sheath, so on it went, spikes on the inside, with both Mistresses taking turns to really give it a good squeeze, pleasure and pain all in one.
After sufficient enjoyment had been had by all we moved on to a wooden device Mistress Vanessa referred to as “the fiddle”. I think “the fiddle” could be described as a game of predicament bondage, best played as a team. Firstly it was over to Mistress Linda for the delicate insertion of an anal hook, then back to Mistress Vanessa for some leather bondage gloves, the type that whilst warm, make self satisfaction a non starter. Then it all fell into place the wooden part or “the fiddle” was locked around my neck with both hands locked in position level with my head. A little awkward perhaps but more was still to come, a rope was then tied between the anal hook and “the fiddle”, then again another piece between “the fiddle” and the nipple clamps. So moving this devious block of wood in either direction up or down would result in me pulling something. The only way to avoid pulling anything was to stay still but the Mistresses where never going to allow that.
So next I was over the whipping bench for a good paddling, with both Mistress taking turns and whilst paddling a slave with an anal hook inserted may sound cruel, in this case it was for my own good as I knew the warm up would serve me well for the double strength caning I would be receiving later.
So far the session had been all one sided, I had received all the attention, so before being released from “the fiddle”, I got down on my hands and knees and gave Mistress Linda’s feet some much needed attention.
Finally released from “the fiddle” I was allowed a little rest, encased in Mistress Vanessa’s bondage body bag, whilst various parts of my anatomy were gently caressed by her electrified leather glove, she has an ever so gentle touch but with a twist.
By now we were moving to yet another big finish and for me, a visit to the Chapel wouldn’t be complete without a brutally good caning and today was sure to be just that bit extra special, as with double domination comes a double caning. So after a not so gentle whipping we got down to the canes of which the Mistresses have a vast array, thin and stingy, or heavy and hard, my preference is for the traditional heavy hard canes, wielded with force and I can honestly say, I always get what I ask for and today was no exception. I lost count of just how many strokes each Mistress dished out but it must be good when you ask for more.
The perfect end to yet another fun afternoon and now that Mistress Vanessa is very much resident at the Chapel, an experience I can only hope to repeat.

Spanking Tube Link details: –


Beware The Borrowed Dog Whip

This is a testimonial from one of my loyal slaves, I do hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed the session.

It had been a while but I thought it was about time I paid a visit to Mistress Linda at the Chapel Dungeon, after all, the marks from my last visit had long since faded.

So I made the appointment and then with eager anticipation counted the days until finally there I was knocking on the door of the Chapel Dungeon. Having visited Mistress Linda many times I was fairly confident that I knew what to expect, after all just how many different ways are there to tease, torment and generally surprise a slave.

Well it turns out that not all surprises in the dungeon are painful as on this occasion I was more than pleasantly surprised to bump into Mistress Vanessa, a Mistress who in the past has also had me dancing to her tune. However, today Mistress Vanessa was awaiting the arrival of her own slave, so for today at least I would be spared her painfully creative talents but not one of her painfully creative new whips.

Leaving Mistress Vanessa to attend to her own slave, Mistress Linda was certainly well on top of things in the Red Room and within no time at all she had me making all the right noises. Nipples clamped, balls stretched, cock whipped and high heels dug into all the places that matter, we really were getting through all “the old favourites” and we or rather I still had the very best to come.

The very best, is of course some full force corporal punishment, Mistress Linda really does excel in this area and it is certainly a particular favourite of mine. So we started, or rather Mistress Linda started with a selection of floggers, giving my back a good all over thrash. Then we moved onto the borrowed dog whip, apparently Mistress Vanessa acquired this hand crafted devilish whip form the Other World Kingdom and I have the marks to prove it really isn’t just for show. I think we got to 10 lashes of the dog, not sure when the marks will fade but it certainly does have a very distinctive feel, basically it stings like nothing else.

Then to finish we moved on to what Mistress Linda is famous for, a good hard caning. We got to 30 before Mistress Linda paused and said, “How many do I usually give you?” oh about 100 I replied, that was it, Mistress was now on a mission to deliver at least another 70, full whack no nonsense. At 100 she stopped, I was bruised but not quite beaten so asked for another 10 of her very best and that is certainly what she gave me, in total 110 very hard very precise strokes of just some of her finest canes.


Spanking Tube Link details: –