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Category : Events

The New Pupil



A new pupil comes to school and as usual he has to have an interview with the Headmistress. She finds that he has a good report  but no record of discipline. This is mandatory and must be produced. He says that he has forgotten it but never got discipline because he is a good well-behaved pupil.

The Headmistress does not accept this and says that he will be punished and that she will give him a range of punishments from mild to severe to make sure he will never forget his punishment record again! The pupil realises that Headmistress is serious and asks to go home to get it saying that his punishment report shows that he is telling the truth. She refuses and says it’s time he learned about punishment!

Today will be the start of a new discipline record and photos will be taken to show the effects on his bottom. These will be kept with his new discipline record. However, Headmistress says she is a reasonable person and she will begin with OTK hand-spanking to prepare his bottom for the more serious punishments that will follow.. He is then told to take down his trousers and underpants so that he can be spanked.

After his warm-up, he is ordered to strip naked and get on the spanking bench.To endure all the punishments, he will have to be restrained on the bench. This because he says that he has not experienced this before. This may progress to hard caning to conclude the punishment if Headmistress deems it necessary.

He will not be released until all punishments have been completed. She tells him that this will be carried out straight away.

After his punishment he is told to put on his shirt but not his pants. He is then taken to meet the other pupils in class and told to stand at the front with his punished bottom visible for all to see!


Friday at School at the start of autumn was Detention Day!

There were six boys, five of whom were regulars and who were in need of our special way of dealing with them. There was also one new “girl” ,Davina, who always tried hard but failed miserably! And so, as usual, all had to be dealt with in our special way!

We had our head-girl, Jean, to help us, and she proved to be very useful indeed, even volunteering to help with the punishments! The Deputy Headmistress and I strove to do our job thoroughly. Boys had to be chastised – over the knee spanking, slippering, paddling etc.

After a while we stopped for lunch, and hoped that they would at last settle down and get on with their school-work, but this was not to be, so they were taken upstairs for the serious punishment. Bare bottoms were dealt with using paddles, straps and canes. It really was a long day, but in the end very satisfying. However, we knew that they would be back again in the future. A warning to all naughty pupils!!

The wait is nearly over

Hello all, its looking like your wait is nearly over, Lockdown will be ending soon, and I am looking forward to seeing all my visitors again.

I am planning to hold a School Day in May all being well so those that have attended previous ones are very welcome to contact me and confirm their attendance, including Irish James, Mark, Barry, John, Michael & Terry.

We will have a new member of staff attending so that is something for you to look forward to.

Those that have not attended previous events should contact me, to get further details.

And of course those that want to start booking for “normal visits” should start to get into touch.

Testimonial by Slave 00011

Below is a testimonial from one the “Slaves” that attended for a day of confinement in the “Belfry” , I know that I and the other Wardresses enjoyed the day, and I am planning for this to be repeated on a regular basis, so if you are interested you should get in touch.

Testimonial by Slave 00011

My Visit to the Belfry
I would like to thank the “Head Wardress” (Mistress Linda) for the great day I had at the Belfry.
To explain Mistress Linda has created a place where you can spend long periods of time in detention alongside other “detainees” without actually seeing them.
I arrived and was told to strip and given a “strip search”, I was then hooded, cuffed and lead upstairs to the Belfry, where I was placed and locked into a cage, I was told to remain quiet at all times and await to see what happens next.
After about 10 minutes I became aware of movement, another detainee being brought in I suspect, as again the only words said were “to remain quiet at all times”, this happened another 4 or was it 5 times over a period of time, I lost track of the time quite quickly.
What happened next I was pulled from the cage and bent over a “whipping bench”, this was by a different “Wardress” and caned, I should say that I had agreed that I would be punished along with being used and abused, of course the Head Wardress knows my “likes & dislikes” along with my limits, so I knew I would be in safe but “cruel hands” throughout my time in detention.
After a good sound caning I was taken into a different form of confinement, and left secured, as others were dealt with in a similar manner, it was quite erotic hearing others being dealt with.
Next I was taken out and strung up by both arms and then tortured (CBT/ Nipples/Electrics) during which the hood was removed I could see others in different forms of bondage and confinement but they could not see me because they were all blindfolded and it was not possible for me identify them, this was one of the things that was explained to me when I discussed the event with Mistress Linda, and she said that discretion would be maintained at all times, no one would be able to identify anyone else throughout the day.
Various other things happened to me during the time I was there, but I won’t detail them all here, I will leave that for you to find out for yourselves when you attend.
I should say that the Head Wardress was assisted during the day by other Wardress’s which again all added to the excellent experience I and I am sure the others had, I will be returning quite soon for the next “event”.

Detention Slave 00011

My New Detention Centre (The Belfry)

I am pleased to announce that my New Detention Centre is now open and accepting inmates, who will arrive, be stripped, searched and then incarcerated in the various different facilities that I have created within the Centre.
You may share the experience with other detainees; of course discretion will be maintained for those that require it by the use of hoods and blindfolds ensuring that when you are moved between the various forms of incarceration you maintain your anonymity.
During your time in detention you may require to be punished, tortured, and used as we see fit, all your limits will have been agreed prior to you being accepted into the Detention Centre and they will be respected.
I will be holding regular detention day events when multiple inmates will spend extended periods of time within the centre and be “looked after” by various “detention officers”.
I have included some photos for you to enjoy, and those that wish to experience time in “The Belfry” should call me for further information.
Mistress Linda.

Bitches & Naughty Girls

Last week was eventful dealing with slutty T.V.’s, naughty boys, Sub’s and one very naughty girl!
To explain the naughty girl is my new sub girl, first she was a schoolgirl in trouble together with a naughty school boy, both ended up over my knee and soundly spanked, slippered and then caned which resulted in two very red and sore bottoms
Later the girl was in trouble again, accusing my “Girl” Rebecca of touching her against her will, I brought them both into my room to interrogate them, and as you would expect they both blamed each other so rather than punish the wrong one, I decided it was best to punish them both until I found out the liar.
So over my knee they went, and then onto the punishment bench until they both had very sore bottoms, in the end I had to conclude they were as bad as each other, neither of them will be sitting down for a while!!!
I am sure my Sub Girl will become a regular feature of my blogs in the months to come; I know that many of my regulars are very interested in being dealt with alongside her.
Below are a few photos that will all give you something to think about, I do hope you all behave whilst looking at them!!!!

Mistress Linda

Spanking Tube Link details: –


Since my last piece of news I seem to be having an abundance of Sluts, naughty “girls” and “girls” in need of training.
It started with Andrea, a naughty little girl who had been unable to visit me for some time – and ended with the biggest slut I have ever had to deal with! What can I say! She visited me three times in two weeks, and one of the sessions included Mistress Vanessa (my daughter) and two submissive slaves!
On another day I worked with Mistress Nemesis and her girl Debbie, and in the midst of all these there was my girl “Sandra” who was made to wear a tight PVC dress and had to be punished and dominated. And finally there was Amanda, who is a very gentle “girl” and needs handling in a more encouraging way.
All were dealt with in a way that was suitable for their individual type of “girl” and a very satisfying time was had by all!!

Spanking Tube Link details: –



Once again we had a really fantastic School Day, stupid boys and “girl” plus the Headmistress and Miss D Meaner. Of course there were lots of hand spankings, paddlings and strappings, all followed by the traditional caning of all those who deserved it! As you can imagine, this was all of them as it seemed to both of us that the results of the lessons and exams were abysmal! And the day really went with a bang as more and more punishments were meted out!
So there were plenty of sore bottoms on show! Just how we like it!
Some of the punishments can be seen on Spanking Tube.
Spanking Tube Link details: –


Last week I was quite busy, with several very pleasing sessions.
Monday saw me slippering a naughty nephew.
On Tuesday Mistress Vanessa and I had great pleasure in using her dog-whip, plus the chopsticks and humiliating the slave while we had our fun.
On Wednesday I put one of my slaves into very tight bondage and used my pegs on the tender parts of his body.
Thursday and Friday saw an abundance of punishment:- naughty schoolboys, and also slaves, all purely for my pleasure. So it all added up to be a very enjoyable week!
I am looking forward to the next School day which will be coming around very soon, so I am expecting those that will be attending to get in touch to confirm their place.

Spanking Tube Link details: –


Another Friday and another Detention Day! The same faces passed through the school doors once more, plus a new pupil who we hoped we could achieve something with. But by the end of the day all our hopes and aspirations were dashed! Yet another pupil who I am sure we will see again and again, requiring more and more punishment, given of course with a firm hand.
The lessons we had prepared were met with the same stupidity and lack of enthusiasm, even when they were asked to put something together for the Chapel School Anthem. Surprisingly, one of the long-standing boys came up with a really good effort! This is the same boy who always feigns deafness when something is asked of him! This was a surprise to both of us, as it is the usual old behaviour problems of these pathetic creatures that we have to deal with, helped by a firm hand! So we set to work on all of them, starting off with slippers and paddles, then moving on to straps and finally finishing off with some of them taking a flogging with Mistress Vanessa’s new and very effective whip, the results of which can be seen in some of the photographs. Of course, they were all soundly beaten with the cane as well!
And it has come to our notice that the only thing that they are excel in is eating school lunch!! We will however continue to make our mark on them in the future and on any other boy who may be sent to the Chapel Detention School!!